Health & Fitness

Research Leading to Ozempic Honored by 2024 Lasker Awards (Health) 9/19 3:00A Gina Kolata and Stephanie Nolen
Three scientists were recognized by the Lasker Awards for their work on the GLP-1 hormone. Others were honored for work to stop H.I.V. and for immune system discoveries.

Rethinking Addiction as a Chronic Brain Disease (Health) 9/2 9:00P Jan Hoffman
Some researchers argue that the roles of social environment and personal choice have to be considered in order to make progress in treating people addicted to drugs.

On Relationships, a Reporter Connects With Readers (Health) 8/29 9:00P Josh Ocampo
How do I repair my marriage? How can I strengthen my friendships? Catherine Pearson, a writer on the Well desk, helps readers find answers to these questions and more.

Covid Normalcy: No Tests, Isolation or Masks (Health) 8/26 11:02P Emily Baumgaertner
For many, Covid is increasingly regarded like the common cold. A scratchy throat and canceled plans bring a bewildering new critique from friends: You shouldn’t have tested.
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